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Island Ranking Rules

For this season (up to August 31st) there will be tournaments to decide the rankings for the CI International. For each tournament if there is 16 or less participants, the ranking points will be allocated:

Winner 100

Runner Up 80

Losing Semi finalists 60

Losing Quarter finalists 40

All other positions 10

For more than 16 participants, if you win one match but do not reach the quarter finals, you will get 20 points. Turning up but failing to win a match will still result in 10 points.

From September 1st, 50% of a player's ranking points will come from the 5 tournaments:

Island Championships, Easter Open, Breda Cup, Mariners Open and Stan Lester Cup, and 50% from the winter league standings. Points will be allocated in the winter league standings from 500 points for 1st place down to 1 point incrementally.

Current Ranking Points

Updated 30th August.

160 Martyn Desperques

120 Ady Holley

100 Jess De La Haye

80 Ryan Le Page, John Skillett

60 Danny Marquand, Rich Sutton, Vinny Le Page, Nick Sheppard, Adam Shorto

50 Tom Simon

40 Simon Shrive, Scott Bradford, Darren Hughes, Miles Davies, Ben Le Noury, Rach Sutton

20 Clayton Le Noury, Glenn Le Prevost, Ashley Perriam, Jay W, Craig De Carteret

10 Will, Jamie Le Chen, Sean Langlais, Gowain

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